Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Just because I want to know

Someone in my MACRO class asked why in the unemployment statistics, Asians are reported as "not seasonally adjusted." Every semester a student asked this, and every year I always say I'll find out. Someone please find out why the unemployment statistics are reported this way. Here's the link to the most recent unemployment data
happy searching


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I did some research on "not seasonally adjusted"

I found that Asian workers are termed not seasonally adjusted for several reasons

1. This unemployment statistical approach focuses on longterm trend eliminating time aspect of unemployment or the short term calculations.
2. Many Asian workers travel between seasonal Jobs like Agriculture, Construction,Commercial fishing, Etc. (For example between U.S and Japan.)

so they are not technically unemployed in the short term calculations because Asians on a large scale work a seasonal jobs. In Orange County alot of the strawberry fields were owned by Japanese families for 100 years and they just recently sold that land under some 100 year lease(100 years "renting" you own the land). Thats why in the past 20 years so many houses have been built. I forget the name of the family that owned all the Strawberry fields off the left of the 405 Freeway next to the New kaiser Hospital. But that land was owned by Asian Agriculture family that worked seasonal jobs. To add, seasonal jobs don't mean less standard of living. I remember doing plumbing for this family and they were extremly rich. Further, more when I was growing up or 20 years ago there was nothing but agriculture in South County, anyways between seasons isn't considered unemployed.