Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Entrance Survey

Please print out this survey and answer the questions to the best of your ability and turn it in next class.


Buying the textbook

If you buy the text book at the bookstore, you are also buying the aplia payment code with it. The price at the bookstore is something like $172, so that's $90 for aplia and $82 for the book.

The bookstore also sells an aplia only card for $90?? I'm not sure of the price. They do this because sometimes students need to put their books in financial aid. So students can purchase the aplia code from the bookstore instead of using their own credit card. Of course this option does not come with a hard copy book.

The third option is to go to aplia directly, enroll in the proper class and pay them through your own credit card. For those not caring about using financial aid to buy books, this option is no different than the second one.

take care,

Monday, January 30, 2012

Tuesday and Thursday classes only

I will be absent on Thursday in order to go to an economics conference. I want you to begin working on the first week aplia assignments. You don't need to do the supply and demand stuff if you don't want to yet. You will be taking your pretest on Tuesday.

Please take the Entrance Survey

Please print out this survey and answer the questions to the best of your ability and turn it in next class.



You can download the syllabus for your course and read it.

Micro classes

Macro classes

And here are the aplia access codes

MW 2:20 - 3:55 9DA2-E8CP-BGTX
MW 3:55 - 5:20 FWES-RHTX-BPJY
M 6:00 - 9:10 L6YM-BVEV-YZ3U
TuTh 11:10 - 12:35 G7PH-QQJL-FQ43
TuTh 12:45 - 2:10 6CPK-D7GA-L9MB